doneill / koop-provider-pg

A postgis provider for koop
Apache License 2.0
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Enable ssl #17

Open saltaverde opened 2 months ago

saltaverde commented 2 months ago

Enable SSL connections to the database

Add an ssl object based on ISSLConfig interface

Allow for null geometry and srid

ESRI Feature Services can support tables, which have no geometry. This change keeps the provider from erroring when reading postgres tables that have no geometry but can still be served as a Feature Layer

doneill commented 2 months ago

Thanks @saltaverde, do you have an example of some data to test against?

saltaverde commented 2 months ago

Thanks @saltaverde, do you have an example of some data to test against?

@doneill It could be pretty much any table that doesn't have a column of type geometry or geography in it.

For example

create table test_data as (select (random() * 1000 + 1)::integer as id, substr(md5(random()::text), 1, 25) as name from generate_series(0, 9));
doneill commented 2 months ago

@saltaverde Can you change the base branch to develop? I updated the error handling around tables w/o geometry columns. Let me know if that addresses your issue.