dongjinBaek / swpp202101-team2

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[Wrap-up] GEPUnpack pass #22

Open whnbaek opened 3 years ago

whnbaek commented 3 years ago

Benchmark Results (After Sprint 1)

benchmark improved benchmark improved benchmark improved
binary_tree 7.23% gcd -6.57% prime 23.91%
bitcount1 19.07% jenkins_hash 21.14% quick_sort 16.88%
bitcount2 -2.77% matmul1 7.84% radix_sort 9.26%
bitcount3 11.17% matmul2 7.05% rmq1d_naive 12.59%
bitcount4 33.09% matmul3 12.19% rmq1d_sparsetable 7.99%
bitcount5 2.52% matmul4 2.55% rmq2d_naive 13.12%
bubble_sort 14.79% merge_sort 9.21% rmq2d_sparsetable 13.26%
collatz -0.08%

In matmul4, it is found that GEPUnpack is inefficient when it unpacks array pointer with offset 0. If we access A[x][0][1] declared as uint64_t A[2][2][2], this should be unpacked as A + x 256 + 64, but in GEPUnpack pass given by TAs just resolve this as A + x 256 + 0 128 + 1 64. With this constant propagation, the result is as follows.

benchmark improved benchmark improved benchmark improved
_binarytree 9.20% gcd -6.57% prime 24.76%
bitcount1 19.07% jenkins_hash 21.14% quick_sort 16.88%
bitcount2 -2.77% matmul1 7.84% _radixsort 12.76%
bitcount3 11.17% matmul2 7.05% _rmq1dnaive 15.12%
bitcount4 43.26% matmul3 12.19% rmq1d_sparsetable 7.98%
bitcount5 27.08% matmul4 11.31% _rmq2dnaive 14.33%
bubble_sort 14.79% merge_sort 9.21% rmq2d_sparsetable 13.26%
collatz -0.08%