dongwa / vercel-quasar

deploy quasar with ssr mode in vercel
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Error in deployment #6

Open altezza04 opened 1 week ago

altezza04 commented 1 week ago

[17:36:11.379] $ node build/index.js && quasar build -m ssr [17:36:11.420] node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1137 [17:36:11.420] throw err; [17:36:11.420] ^ [17:36:11.421] [17:36:11.421] Error: Cannot find module '/vercel/path1/build/index.js' [17:36:11.421] at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1134:15) [17:36:11.421] at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:975:27) [17:36:11.421] at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:128:12) [17:36:11.421] at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 { [17:36:11.421] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', [17:36:11.422] requireStack: []

dongwa commented 1 week ago

Please note that the custom build command for the documentation is an optional step. It serves as an example for those interested in customizing their build scripts. If you do not require customization, you can simply remove this script. However, if you need a custom build script, you must replace it with your own script instead of copying the example provided.

altezza04 commented 6 days ago

Thanks, I can build it now. However I am getting this error page on the deploy site

`This is vercel-quasar, your Vercel builder. Error: Cannot find module 'vue/server-renderer' Require stack:

dongwa commented 5 days ago

Thanks, I can build it now. However I am getting this error page on the deploy site

`This is vercel-quasar, your Vercel builder. Error: Cannot find module 'vue/server-renderer' Require stack:

Can you provide your quasar info? (run quasar info command at your porject root path)

altezza04 commented 5 days ago

Operating System - Darwin(23.5.0) - darwin/arm64 NodeJs - 18.16.0

Global packages NPM - 9.8.1 yarn - 1.22.19 @quasar/cli - 2.4.1 @quasar/icongenie - 4.0.0 cordova - Not installed

Important local packages quasar - 2.16.4 -- Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time @quasar/app-vite - 1.9.3 -- Quasar Framework App CLI with Vite @quasar/extras - 1.16.11 -- Quasar Framework fonts, icons and animations eslint-plugin-quasar - Not installed vue - 3.4.30 -- The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI. vue-router - 4.4.0 pinia - 2.1.7 -- Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue vuex - Not installed vite - 2.9.18 -- Native-ESM powered web dev build tool eslint - 8.57.0 -- An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript. electron - Not installed electron-packager - Not installed @electron/packager - Not installed electron-builder - Not installed register-service-worker - 1.7.2 -- Script for registering service worker, with hooks @capacitor/core - 5.7.2 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web @capacitor/cli - 5.7.2 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web @capacitor/android - 5.7.2 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web @capacitor/ios - Not installed

Quasar App Extensions None installed

dongwa commented 5 days ago

Operating System - Darwin(23.5.0) - darwin/arm64 NodeJs - 18.16.0

Global packages NPM - 9.8.1 yarn - 1.22.19 @quasar/cli - 2.4.1 @quasar/icongenie - 4.0.0 cordova - Not installed

Important local packages quasar - 2.16.4 -- Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time @quasar/app-vite - 1.9.3 -- Quasar Framework App CLI with Vite @quasar/extras - 1.16.11 -- Quasar Framework fonts, icons and animations eslint-plugin-quasar - Not installed vue - 3.4.30 -- The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI. vue-router - 4.4.0 pinia - 2.1.7 -- Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue vuex - Not installed vite - 2.9.18 -- Native-ESM powered web dev build tool eslint - 8.57.0 -- An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript. electron - Not installed electron-packager - Not installed @electron/packager - Not installed electron-builder - Not installed register-service-worker - 1.7.2 -- Script for registering service worker, with hooks @capacitor/core - 5.7.2 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web @capacitor/cli - 5.7.2 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web @capacitor/android - 5.7.2 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web @capacitor/ios - Not installed

Quasar App Extensions None installed

Looks like there's no problem. Can you provide a minimal reproducible example? Preferably, open a new issue.