dongzhang0725 / PhyloSuite

PhyloSuite is an integrated and scalable desktop platform for streamlined molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PartitionFinder2结果直接载入Mrbayes时报错,报错窗口点击OK或者show details后软件直接闪退 #23

Closed Xiongxuemei closed 2 years ago

Xiongxuemei commented 3 years ago

PartitionFinder2结果直接载入Mrbayes时报错,报错窗口点击OK或者show details后软件直接闪退 image

dongzhang0725 commented 3 years ago

可能是这个phylip文件造成的,将其转为标准的phy格式再试试看 image

Xiongxuemei commented 3 years ago

嗯嗯,我用其他软件试试,在PhyloSuite的Convert Sequence Format转换格式时,也报错 image

dongzhang0725 commented 3 years ago
