dongzhang0725 / PhyloSuite

PhyloSuite is an integrated and scalable desktop platform for streamlined molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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macse: missing required options: align, optim #50

Closed nzx9581 closed 2 years ago

nzx9581 commented 2 years ago


我在mafft多序列比对完成后按照教程进入macse进行结果优化,但是一直出现下列报错: image log文件显示如下 gatB_mafft.fas --- Please check your command line: Missing required options: align, optim gatB_mafft.fas --- usage: java -jar -Xmx600m testJar_macse.jar -prog refineAlignment -align <NT_alignment.fasta> [-ext_gap_ratio <.95>] [-fs <30>] [-fs_lr <10>] 于是我把命令拿出来单独在终端里运行还是不行,同时加上-align和-optim也还是同样的报错,请问老师这是什么原因导致的呢?macse是用conda装的,phylosuite里macse的路径也是正确的,系统版本是Debian 9


nzx9581 commented 2 years ago

从官网下载最新macse v2.06后问题解决。conda上的版本不是最新版