donjakobo / A3M

A3M - Bootstrapped - A CodeIgniter OpenID/Oauth boilerplate library utilizing Twitter Bootstrap UI
106 stars 53 forks source link

utf8 and Uppercase #85

Closed chego77 closed 10 years ago

chego77 commented 10 years ago

Error: unserialize(): Error at offset 386 of 749 bytes suggest: TABLE ci_sessions add DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

Error: Undefined property: Connect_create::$account_model application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php edit LINE 94/106 return $this->account_model->get_by_username($username) ? TRUE : FALSE; to return $this->Account_model->get_by_username($username) ? TRUE : FALSE;

Error: Undefined index: firstName/lastName/gender/photoURL controllers/account/Connect_create.php LINE 68

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

The first two are fixed in my repo, but the last one I have no clue why is happening. Will do more testing.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

OK, I have found something different as well. Seems to be an uncaught exception from Facebook. I think that these two might be related.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

I have updated Hybrid Auth on my repo which includes some Facebook fixes, can you check if that fixes that last error?

chego77 commented 10 years ago

OK, Thank you @AdwinTrave I will try this repo.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

All the current updates are also part of #83 , so if those updates fix the problem I'm going to merge it.

chego77 commented 10 years ago


SQL 查詢:

-- Adding default user as admin a3m_acl_role

INSERT INTO a3m_rel_account_role ( account_id , role_id ) VALUES ( 1, 1 ) ; MySQL 返回: 文件

1146 - Table 'qiqicom_a3m.a3m_rel_account_role' doesn't exist

a3m_database.sql Line 22

This INSERT should be after creat a3m_rel_account_role TABLE .

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: firstName Filename: account/Connect_create.php Line Number: 68 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 68 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: lastName Filename: account/Connect_create.php Line Number: 68 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 68 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: gender Filename: account/Connect_create.php Line Number: 68 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 68 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: photoURL Filename: account/Connect_create.php Line Number: 68 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 68 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 3 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 4 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 5 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 6 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 7 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 8 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 9 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Missing argument 10 for Account_providers_model::insert(), called in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php on line 74 and defined Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 34 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 34 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: provider_uid Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: email Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: display_name Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: first_name Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: last_name Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: profile_url Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: website_url Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Undefined variable: photo_url Filename: account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: _exception_handler File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/qiqicom/public_html/system/core/Exceptions.php:211) Filename: core/Common.php Line Number: 546 Backtrace: File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line: 37 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php Line: 74 Function: insert File: /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php Line: 274 Function: require_once

A Database Error Occurred Error Number: 1048 Column 'provider_uid' cannot be null INSERT INTO a3m_providers (user_id, provider, provider_uid, email, display_name, first_name, last_name, profile_url, website_url, photo_url, created_at) VALUES (1, 'Yahoo', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2014-02-09 01:00:16') Filename: models/account/Account_providers_model.php Line Number: 37

chego77 commented 10 years ago

If enable Yahoo please change file application\config\account\account.php

"Yahoo" => array ( "enabled" => FALSE, "keys" => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" ), ),


"Yahoo" => array ( "enabled" => FALSE, "keys" => array ( "key" => "", "secret" => "" ), ),

reference to

thinkdj • 8 months ago In the config, "id" for yahoo's config array needs to be changed to "key"

chego77 commented 10 years ago

I had download this repo.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

Fixed the Yahoo stuff in config (should be merged in #83 ). Not sure how much I can do about qiqicom. I will check if there are any updates on Hybrid Auth and mere them. Is Facebook working fine now?

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

Btw. My personal A3M repository ( is for experimental stuff and things that I later on merge into this repository CI3 branch (A3M v2).

chego77 commented 10 years ago

in Facebook I got the error. A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error Message: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Authentication failed! Facebook returned an invalid user id.' in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/third_party/Hybrid/Providers/Facebook.php:91 Stack trace: #0 /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/third_party/Hybrid/Endpoint.php(175): Hybrid_Providers_Facebook->loginFinish() #1 /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/third_party/Hybrid/Endpoint.php(56): Hybrid_Endpoint::processAuthDone() #2 /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/controllers/account/Connect_end.php(45): Hybrid_Endpoint::process() #3 [internal function]: Connect_end->Index() #4 /home/qiqicom/public_html/system/core/CodeIgniter.php(371): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /home/qiqicom/public_html/index.php(274): require_once('/home/qiqicom/p...') #6 {main} Next exception 'Exception' with message 'Authentication failed! Facebook returned an invalid user id.' in /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/third_party/Hybrid/Auth.php:147 Stack trace: #0 /home/qiqicom/public_html/application/third_party/ Filename: Hybrid/Auth.php Line Number: 147 Backtrace:

But, ensure I had facebook APP ID and Secret Key.

chego77 commented 10 years ago

in /application/controllers/account/Connect.php

// Store user's data in session $this->session->set_userdata('connect_create', array($provider => $user_profile));


// Store user's data in session $this->session->set_userdata('connect_create', array($provider => (array)$user_profile));

in /application/controllers/account/Connect_create.php

You can test.

foreach($data['connect_create'] as $key=>$provider) { echo("provider ".$key); foreach($provider as $key=>$vaule){ echo("key= ".$key." vaule= ".$vaule); } }

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

Alright, found the problem with creating users from social media. Still not sure with the issues from actually getting the data from the media. I would say that the services changed their API and Hybrid Auth isn't yet updated.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

@chego77 Did the newest changes fix the issue?

chego77 commented 10 years ago

Today is my birthday :) . I will test for later. Thank you again @AdwinTrave

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

@chego77 Happy Birthday! Hope it fixes the issues! No rush, let me know once you are done testing.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

I just push an update to Hybrid Auth error handling on my repo. Any news on this?

chego77 commented 10 years ago

@AdwinTrave Perfect! I try Facebook/Google/Live/Yahoo/Aol/Twitter all sucess. but try account/linked_accounts The error: An Error Was Encountered Unable to locate the model you have specified: Account_facebook_model

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

87 should fix that.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

@chego77 Are my recent changes in my proposed PR fixing your issues?

chego77 commented 10 years ago

@AdwinTrave, Test this repo. All Perfect. Thank you very much.

chego77 commented 10 years ago

Ooops, can not delete Linked Accounts?

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

Strange, works fine for me. Which provider has issues?

chego77 commented 10 years ago

Dear @AdwinTrave I got no delete Linked Accounts. /application/views/account/account_linked.php Line 39: <?php if ($total_linked >= 1 && isset($account->password)) : ?>

When I sign_in with social account that no password.

StorytellerCZ commented 10 years ago

Well that is correct. If you login into account that is linked to only one social media and doesn't have a password set then you can't delete that account as that would delete your access to the account. That is a correct behavior.

chego77 commented 10 years ago

No, I mean: First sign_in(register) is fb Second link google 3rd link twitter 4th link yahoo .... All account are social's account. then no Remove button.

donjakobo commented 10 years ago

@chego77 if you show the line of code, why not fork and commit? Its the && as you pointed out: <?php if ($total_linked >= 1 && isset($account->password)) : ?>

Should probably be: <?php if ($total_linked >= 1 || isset($account->password)) : ?>

That way it is either more than 1 linked OR set password, not AND. Make the change and push to @AdwinTrave

chego77 commented 10 years ago

@donjakobo Sorry, I can't use github system. I will have to study hard.