donmor / Tiddloid

Tiddloid is an app to work with locally stored TiddlyWikis.
GNU General Public License v2.0
242 stars 11 forks source link

questions #53

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi all.

I wonder if you've all thought about adding support for a cloud service like Dropbox, Google-drive or tiddlyhost in Tiddloid. Have you all thought about adding support for a cloud service like Dropbox, Google-drive, tiddlyhost or protocols as ftp, sftp in Tiddloid?

donmor commented 2 years ago

I prefer using DocumentProvider(SAF). This makes all cloud services accessible from Tiddloid as long as their app is installed.

Another way is to use WebDAV which is currently supported.

To use tiddlyhost you may try adding the url to the app as a bookmark.

Remember to report any problem :)

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi donmor, thank you for feedback - But I have new questions. Have you ever thought about adding Tiddloid to the playstore to make it easier for more people to use it on smartphone?

donmor commented 2 years ago

Nope. I use F-Droid instead.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi donmor, thanks for the info, but another question: Have you thought about offering the auto rename with md5 in filename.html, example: 435ed7e9f07f740abf511a62c00eef6e.html ?

1. feature

image-description: For example, when we click on the 'New Tiddlywiki file' button, internally tiddloid launches auto-rename feature, where file 435ed7e9f07f740abf511a62c00eef6e.html is generated with random name with md5. I think of this feature so that I don't have to create a filename. And yes, just changing the tiddlywiki file settings title.

2. concept

image-description: As we can see in this image, there is a title and a subtitle that was generated automatically with md5.

What do you think of this idea?

donmor commented 2 years ago

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... One of the least common needs. It's way too uncommon to make this for everyone.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi donmor, thanks for the info, but another question: Would it be possible to select a theme from tiddlywiki by tiddloid?

donmor commented 2 years ago

Already there. See FAQ for instructions.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi donmor, thank you for the info. So... my last question is: What is the difference between (Andtidwiki and Tiddloid) or (atw and Tiddloid) or (Quinoid01 and Tiddloid)?

| Feature | Tiddloid 1.x                              | Tiddloid 2.0 and above                                    | [Tiddloid Lite](                               | AndTidWiki(mgsimon) |aTW(TiddlyWiki)| Quinoid01   |                                 |
| ------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |---------------------|---------------|-------------|                                 |
|         | File API                                  | Java File API                                             | Android Storage Access Framework and also Java File API                               |                     |       |         |Android Storage Access Framework |
|         | Backup system                             | Yes                                                       | Yes                                                                                   |                     |       |         |No |
|         | Search-and-Fork system                    | Yes                                                       | No (Instead it receives shared URLs from browsers and show options to save the page)  |                     |       |         |No |
|         | Downloader                                | Yes                                                       | No                                                                                    |                     |       |         |No |
|         | Direct access to files in the same folder | Yes                                                       | Partial (Legacy, or TiddlyWiki folders by caching all files)                          |                     |       |         |No |
|         | Cloud Service                             | No                                                        | Yes (via SAF)                                                                         |                     |       |         |Yes (via SAF) |
|         | WebDAV client                             | No                                                        | Yes                                                                                   |                     |       |         |No |
|         | Template                                  | Download on first startup, manually updated               | Download on creating new wiki, and cached in case it is unable to access the Internet |                     |       |         |Download on creating new wiki |
|         | Compatibility                             | Supports most of Android versions and most of TiddlyWikis | Supports latest Android versions best and supports most of TiddlyWikis                |                     |       |         |Supports latest Android versions best and supports most of TW5 |
|         | Recommended Android version               | Android 4.4 ~ 9.0                                         | Android 4.4 and above, best for 8.0                                                   |                     |       |         |Android 4.4 and above, best for 8.0 |
|         |                                           |                                                           |                                                                                       | 3.5                 |       |         |star |
|         |                                           |                                                           |                                                                                       | 242                 |       |         |reviews |
|         |                                           |                                                           |                                                                                       | 10K+                |       |         |downloads |
|         |                                           |                                                           |                                                                                       | 15                  |       |    22       |starred |
|         |                                           |                                                           |                                                                                       | 1                   |       |    2        |forks |

As we can see in the code snippet, we have a comparative table of the number of forks, stars, downloads between different tiddlywiki mobile apps.

donmor commented 2 years ago

Hmmm... Rather new and flexible? XD

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi donmor. thanks for clarifying everything, I will close this issue.