donnaken15 / FastGH3

Minimalist Guitar Hero 3 mod with one click play and numerous gameplay fixes and additions
24 stars 1 forks source link

wiitar wont work / (hack controller detection) #3

Closed brenkel closed 2 years ago

brenkel commented 2 years ago

so my wiitar whitch uses a raphnet adapter wont work on fast gh3, the buttons are completly randomized red=orange orange=red strum down=yellow select=green start=blue i have no idea why this happens but i hope there is a fix

donnaken15 commented 2 years ago

Is the button bindings like that everytime? I thought it'd be "random" based on the gamepad buttons or whatever. I've had people ask me about this a few times already, and one of them told me they would have to use Key2Joy or X360CE.

donnaken15 commented 2 years ago

or if that could be based on playing GH3 with the Wiimote remembering how it's controlled that way but I doubt

donnaken15 commented 2 years ago

one of the first users that approached me had no problem playing with wiitars besides having to manually enter the game with it image image

brenkel commented 2 years ago

how do i use xbox360ce i cant figure out how to map the buttons

donnaken15 commented 2 years ago

IIRR, the TocaEdit version (if you didn't use that one) allows you to spoof your controller as if it were a guitar

You can hit Record and then press a button on your controller and x360ce will set the selected controller button to that

from Plumato's video: image image

donnaken15 commented 2 years ago

Plumato's video:

brenkel commented 2 years ago

it works now thanks!