donnemartin / saws

A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI).
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Ability to specify endpoint url in config #28

Open StFS opened 8 years ago

StFS commented 8 years ago

I'm not quite sure if saws is committed to using the exact same configuration syntax as the aws-cli tools.

I reported this feature request on that a while ago:

Nothing has happened there yet but I'm hoping that saws might be more willing to incorporate this feature.

I'm copying the text from the above feature request here:

Currently I don't seem to be able to specify an endpoint URL in my profile. I always have to specify the --endpoint-url option on the command line.

I would like to be able to do something like the following (in my ~/.aws/config file):

[default] region = us-east-1 output = json

[profile nextcode] region = myregion-1a output = json endpoint-url =

The reason for requesting this is that we use an EC2 compatable infrastructure manager ( which I would like to use aws-cli or saws for managing. The problem is that for aws-cli I need to specify the --endpoint-url parameter every time on the command line, which is annoying. Instead I would like to be able to put it into the profile in the configuration file.

donnemartin commented 8 years ago

Hi Stefán,

Thanks for the feedback request. Seems do-able, I'll put it on the TODO list.


StFS commented 8 years ago

Awesome... thank you!

I'll see if I can find some time and do a pull request but things are a bit hectic these days.

xavierdavidgarcia commented 8 years ago

Any news on this feature ? Thank you

lqueryvg commented 6 years ago

This would be a great feature - my use case is for local testing with dynamodb-local

mifi-cologne commented 3 years ago

I second the request. We use Scality for S3-compatible on-prem storage. There should be a way, IMHO, to define the url of a self-hosted service in the sections of the aws config file. Hoping, by the way, that the AWS VS Code extension would also use the new setting. It's very helpfull to get an overview of buckets and prefixes there.