donniebreve / touchcursor-linux

TouchCursor style keyboard remapping for Linux.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Have touchcursor running for multiple keyboards simultaneously #46

Closed mattiasJohnson closed 2 years ago

mattiasJohnson commented 2 years ago

I'm using a bluetooth keyboard sometimes and it would be nice if I could have touchcursor working for both my laptop keyboard and the bluetooth keyboard at the same time. As of now I've got a script that changes the config and restarts the service for each time I switch but a native option in the config to give two keyboard names would be even better! Is this something that you think would make sense implementing? Also thanks for the amazing program.

Adda0 commented 2 years ago

Hello, absolutely. I myself have the same problem.

I plan to work on improving TouchCursor in the summer, when I will have some spare time. As of now, I am unfortunately occupied with other stuff. When I manage to get back to TouchCursor, multi-keyboard support is one of the issues I want to address, along with better logging and support for multiple hyper keys with separate key bindings.

I am glad you enjoy TouchCursor. Wish you all the best.

donniebreve commented 2 years ago

See #12

Adda0 commented 2 years ago

Hey, @donniebreve. Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that what is required here is for TouchCursor to work simultaneously for two or more keyboards connected to the computer at the same time. Yeah, the changes to the config are redundant if you want TouchCursor to work only for one keyboard at the time (and the other keyboard has to be removed or lower in the list in the config). But if you have both keyboards simultaneously connected and want to switch between them, there is no other option than to change the config each time and restart the service. But even then, you cannot have TouchCursor working for both of them at the same time.

In this sense, it would make sense to put the Bluetooth keyboard above the regular one in the config file and restart the service when the Bluetooth keyboard is connected (see #12). This way, you would not have to change the config each time you want to switch to Bluetooth keyboard. This does not solve the problem of being able to switch to the native laptop keyboard with the Bluetooth one connected, neither does it allow you to work on both keyboards simultaneously.

If the ability to switch to Bluetooth keyboard is all that is needed here, great, and I am sorry for misunderstanding. But otherwise (even for my own use), the ability to have two keyboards handled by TouchCursor at the same time might come useful from time to time.

donniebreve commented 2 years ago

12 is a discussion on how to handle to multiple keyboards. The multiple names in the config file is a short term fix.

Adda0 commented 2 years ago

Fair enough, we can move there for when we have further additions to this topic in the future. Have a good one.