donnikitos / vite-plugin-php

Vite's speed and tooling to preprocess PHP-files!
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basic setup troubles #16

Closed longstorycorte closed 3 months ago

longstorycorte commented 3 months ago

I'm having some troubles setting up vite-puglin-php. It s my first time using vite and using npm workflow in general, but i managed to make it work with regular html and everything its working fine (i started a fresh new project with nothing else then vite and this plugin). Now i want to switch to php, i followed plugin's documentation and set my vite.config.js as below, but i cant make it work. I'm not even sure about a simple thing (since i'm new to this workflow): till now i was developing php using live server + PHP sever extensions in VScode, do i still need them? Cause i also searched for other solution and following some of them (envolving vite-plugin-live-reload for example) (none of which worked for me) and they were talking about changing port in vite.config.js to match the php one (i assumed the one u can set in PHP sever extension indeed, u can even see some comments left from a piece of code i copyed).

Here's my vite.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import usePHP from 'vite-plugin-php';

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [
            //binary: "/opt/homebrew/bin/php",
            entry: ['src/index.php'],
    root: 'src/',
    publicDir: '../public/',
    base: './',
        outDir: '../dist',
        emptyOutDir: true,
        sourcemap: true
    server: {
        // we need a strict port to match on PHP side
        // change freely, but update on PHP to match the same port
        strictPort: true,
        port: 3000

And my project structure:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 231931

(i already checked this Issue)

At this point i dont get any error if i only run via npm run dev but the browser says it cant find any page at localhost:3000, but if i serve the project via PHP sever before everything else i get this error:

error when starting dev server:
Error: Port 3000 is already in use
    at Server.onError (file:///F:/tuttecose/wwwsiti/portfolio/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-cNe07EU9.js:47116:28)
    at Server.emit (node:events:519:28)
    at emitErrorNT (node:net:1925:8)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) 

All the other combination of starting the 2 extensions in different orders gives no error but still not working.

I hope it is not a completely noob question but i m strugglin a lot and i already search everything about php in vite. I also hope i gave right amount of info. Thank U.U

donnikitos commented 3 months ago

Hi, first of all welcome to web dev ;)

Secondly, it looks like your index.php is located in the /src folder, so based on you configuration you would need to access it in the web browser via http://localhost:3000/src/index.php. The proper configuration field root (to avoid the src prefix in the url) for Vite still needs to be implemented, see issue For this plugin you do not need the VS Code extensions, only a real PHP server binary. Server starting/ killing, compilation and auto reload will be handled automatically.

But besides that all for an even more simple start you can use our starter repository: