donny681 / ESP32_CAMERA_QR

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Ov2640 module not working!! #10

Open searchingforcode opened 5 years ago

searchingforcode commented 5 years ago

Hi i am using this module for testing . It doesnt have XCLK pin on header as it says it already has an integrated 12mhz crystal. I have already succeeded with esp32-cam board (small camera one) with this firmware. But this ov2640 camera module not working. Its showing "Camera probe failed with error 0x20001". I think this code refers to connection issue. I have changed the wiring and pin configuration but still no change. My pin configuration is:

vsync-25 href-33 reset-23 d1-32 d3-12 d5-13 d7-21

scl-26 sda-27 d0-35 d2-34 d4-5 d6-18 plck-19 pwdn-gnd

Thanks. Waiting for replies.

amenimtibaa commented 5 years ago

Hello, Have you found a solution for this ? I am facing the same error with the same module as you

aizukanne commented 5 years ago


I have the same challenge. Did you find a solution?

amenimtibaa commented 5 years ago

unfortunately, not yet

AuComrad commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same problem. Has anyone found a solution yet?

goebish commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue (ESP32-CAM with Ov2640), I know the module is working fine since I uploaded and used a demo Arduino sketch without any issues.


I (537) sccb: pin_sda 26 pin_scl 27 I (567) sccb: SCCB_Probe start E (1827) camera: Camera probe failed with error 0x20001 E (1827) camera_qr_demo: Camera init failed with error 0x20001

I suppose there's a problem with twi (soft i2c) since reported camera ID is 0xff

edit: it's working now, I was trying the esp-idf 4.1 PR and for some reason it didn't work, with this 4.0 version I can actually decode QRCodes!

amenimtibaa commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, So, I figured out a solution that worked well for my ESP WROVER. Here is the configuration I used :)