Closed qiangruoyu closed 5 years ago
I'll check it and update soon. Maybe you could simply remove the unexpected keywords in hypes file. I have refactored the code many times, so there may exist some little bugs.
I'll check it and update soon. Maybe you could simply remove the unexpected keywords in hypes file. I have refactored the code many times, so there may exist some little bugs.
I'm trying to get rid of unexpected keywords,But there's a new problem.I was afraid that I had made a mistake, so there was a series of problems.In the end, I came to ask for help.
I have updated the hypes.
I have updated the hypes.
That problem just disappeared, but there's a new one.
2019-04-15 11:46:11,217 WARNING [, 137] ./pretrained_models/yolov3_darknet_caffe_pretrained.pth not exists. 2019-04-15 11:46:11,218 ERROR [, 69], 38 KeyError: ('gt', 'anchors_list')
Replace the 'gt' with 'anchor', because I have changed the key str.
I am refactoring all the code. All the little bugs will be fixed later if you could wait for a few days.
ok.This framework is the most complete pytorch-based framework I've ever seen. I'm looking forward to it.
I am refactoring all the code. All the little bugs will be fixed later if you could wait for a few days.
Has this problem been solved?
作者你好,看资料应该是北京大学的,中文肯定是好的,我就用中文了。 我想用yolov3来跑coco2017的数据,看项目的结构需要写一个scripts文件,我也写了scripts文件。但是在加了之后开始训练的时候出现了错误。 scripts文件
!/usr/bin/env bash
nvidia-smi PYTHON="python"
export PYTHONPATH="/home/dezheng/work/torchcv":$PYTHONPATH
cd ../../../
DATA_DIR="/home/dezheng/work/torchcv/data/torchcv_coco" MODEL_NAME="yolov3" LOSS_TYPE="yolov3loss" CHECKPOINTS_NAME="yolov3_darknet_coco_det"$2 PRETRAINED_MODEL="./pretrained_models/yolov3_darknet_caffe_pretrained.pth" HYPES_FILE='hypes/det/coco/yolov3_darknet_coco_det.json'
LOG_DIR="./log/det/coco/" LOG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}${CHECKPOINTS_NAME}.log"
if [[ ! -d ${LOG_DIR} ]]; then echo ${LOG_DIR}" not exists!!!" mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR} fi
if [[ "$1"x == "train"x ]]; then ${PYTHON} -u --hypes ${HYPES_FILE} --phase train --log_to_file n --gpu 0 --cudnn n \ --data_dir ${DATA_DIR} --loss_type ${LOSS_TYPE} --model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \ --checkpoints_name ${CHECKPOINTS_NAME} --pretrained ${PRETRAINED_MODEL} 2>&1 | tee ${LOG_FILE}
最后报错如下: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 186, in
runner = method_selector.select_det_method()
File "/home/dezheng/work/torchcv/methods/", line 93, in select_det_method
File "/home/dezheng/work/torchcv/methods/det/", line 35, in init
self.det_data_loader = DataLoader(configer)
File "/home/dezheng/work/torchcv/datasets/det/", line 23, in init
self.aug_train_transform = pil_aug_trans.PILAugCompose(self.configer, split='train')
File "/home/dezheng/work/torchcv/datasets/tools/", line 1187, in init
self.transforms[trans] = PIL_AUGMENTATIONS_DICTtrans
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'center_jitter'