dontpanic92 / wxGo

Golang wxWidgets Wrapper
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Go 1.9.x Support #37

Closed Menelion closed 6 years ago

Menelion commented 6 years ago

Hello and thank you for your work!
Is it planned to support Go 1.9.x?

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

I will have a check about Go 1.9

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

It seems that we are already compatible with Go 1.9 . Updated appveyor and travis-ci settings.

I saw that you are using 32 bit windows, which is actually not tested and may be not supported, as it will consume (probably) more than 4GB memory when compiling.

However, using the binary-only-package on 32bit windows is fine

Menelion commented 6 years ago

But still no way to build under Windows 32 bit?

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

Actually I don't think it can build on 32bit OS because of the memory limitation. Could you provide detailed error log?

Menelion commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I haven't even tried yet, after having read Readme. What I did try to do was simply to build the tapedon example using a released .a version of the package. And then I got those reference errors (see above).

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

Ah, the errors are caused by the incompatibility between MinGW and wxWidgets 3.1. See

Menelion commented 6 years ago

So in my case it is go build -tags mingw_workaround, right?

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago


Menelion commented 6 years ago

No dice:

D:\dev\gocode\src\\Oire\dapeton>go build -tags mingw_workaround
C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_386\link.exe: running gcc failed: exit status 1
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0x90): multiple
definition of `CLSID_StdURLMoniker'
SID_StdURLMoniker[_CLSID_StdURLMoniker]+0x0): first defined here
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0xa0): multiple
definition of `CLSID_MkProtocol'                                                
SID_MkProtocol[_CLSID_MkProtocol]+0x0): first defined here                      
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0xb0): multiple
definition of `CLSID_HttpSProtocol'                                             
SID_HttpSProtocol[_CLSID_HttpSProtocol]+0x0): first defined here                
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0xc0): multiple
definition of `CLSID_HttpProtocol'                                              
SID_HttpProtocol[_CLSID_HttpProtocol]+0x0): first defined here                  
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0xd0): multiple
definition of `CLSID_GopherProtocol'                                            
SID_GopherProtocol[_CLSID_GopherProtocol]+0x0): first defined here              
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0xe0): multiple
definition of `CLSID_FtpProtocol'                                               
SID_FtpProtocol[_CLSID_FtpProtocol]+0x0): first defined here                    
w32/lib/../lib/libuuid.a(lib32_libuuid_a-uuid.o):uuid.c:(.rdata+0xf0): multiple
definition of `CLSID_FileProtocol'                                              
SID_FileProtocol[_CLSID_FileProtocol]+0x0): first defined here                  
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

Please try installing wxGo first: go install -tags mingw_workaround, I'm not sure whether the tags can be passed to wxGo when directly build an application

Menelion commented 6 years ago

Interesting. I tried go get on my Win32 machine, and it didn't say "out of memory". Unfortunately I don't know how to log everything that is output (> piping does not work for go get, it seems), but it threw a bunch of deprecation warnings from WXWidgets 3.1, and then the following:

wx\_obj\wx_wrap_windows.cxx.o: In function `wrap_ListCtrl_SortItems_wx_d5626d6e5
D:/dev/gocode/src/ unde
fined reference to `wxListCtrl::SortItems(int ( stdcall*)(long, long, long), lon
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Sorry to bother you so much but I really would like to make this work. I liked WXPython very much, but I would like to migrate to Go in my development, and I have huge reasons to proceed with WX rather than change my framework. Thank you!

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

It's a little weird. I will get a 32bit windows virtual machine to have a test.

Menelion commented 6 years ago

Did you manage to look at this?

dontpanic92 commented 6 years ago

I have tried compiling on 32bit Windows, and did not encounter your problem. But I still can't manage to build it successfully, maybe because I used a MinGW version that different from what I used to build the wxWidgets library. (I'm having a headache on making all different MinGW distributions work. Perhaps I will only focus on the MinGW-w64 distributed with MSYS2 in the near future).

A workaround is that let AppVeyor build and save a 32bit binary-only-package, if you can't find a 64bit Windows system to build it, then you can use the binary-only-package on 32bit systems. I'm going to have a try.

lkppo commented 6 years ago

I made a test of build recently on Win7 64 bit and it failed. I have not keeped the logs. There are also a problem of config it seems me. I could try yet another build.