doodz / OMVRemote2_git

This app allow you to manage your OMV.
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Translation for German added #10

Open wschleifer opened 6 years ago

wschleifer commented 6 years ago

Hello to all,

I have added the translation strings for german.

@doodz Please take a look of it. Is it complete and ready to be integrated?

Regards, W. Schleifer

doodz commented 6 years ago

Hi, I had forgotten this website ... :(. He is not up to date, I will update with new key words today. Then I will integrad your work with pleasure.

If you are familiarly with github , you can also send directile the file un pull riquest key work are there :

Thank you for your helpful.

wschleifer commented 6 years ago


I have updated the translation. All strings are translated in getlocalization project.

Feel free to integrate it.

Regards, Werner.