Closed ClaudioWayne closed 3 years ago
thanks, the username filling placed in wrong place, if you want to build all it will contain bad value
oh okay, you are right, maybe better on top of script or in function where username is added?
yes user just should place the username in there, it could be a trick added to check if first arg lets say qemu
so it would then check if second arg is set and set it as username, but not direclty when first one is all
about jemalloc is before qemu to allow compile qemu with jemalloc support about dv install hm i will need to check as i had verified/fixed in a bit ago, anyway a lot of shellcheck fixes coming, so if you remove the username i will merge
from fresh ubuntu:
-> aptitude install -f checkinstall curl build-essential jq autoconf -y
Not sure if its necessary to install jemalloc before qemu_func or in qemu_func . Maybe put install_jemalloc in all comannd?
Not sure about that, but we are already in /tmp/qemu-5.2.0 What worked for me: ->
apt -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install ./qemu-$qemu_version\_$qemu_version-1_amd64.deb
added autofill username