doomeer / factorio

Factorio Planner
MIT License
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Idea / Request: Mods #29

Open ApolloBirb opened 6 years ago

ApolloBirb commented 6 years ago

Everyone loves the vanilla version of Factorio, but it would be so nice to also have the ability to add mod items, weather manually or a slide down option. or even have the user place in items with there costs, time and productions value, also side note, can you provide me with the algorithm / function on how to calculate for items used in this code?

doomeer commented 6 years ago

Supporting mods is definitely something I have been wanting to do for some time. Currently the best way is to fork the repository and make a clone of the tool, but I have been thinking about replacing the built-in recipes (in source file by a configuration file (in JSON format for instance, although it is rather heavy). Then users could specify a URL to a configuration file to load it. It's a bit much development time, but it would be nice.

doomeer commented 6 years ago

Oh and about how items are calculated, I'm not sure what you mean? You can have a look at source file to see the algorithm.