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Production Bonus not working #70

Open Lava84flow opened 5 years ago

Lava84flow commented 5 years ago

Setting the production bonus currently does not work. Setting the speed bonus works fine at the moment using both quota methods, but setting productivity for either method currently changes nothing. Neither amount of items or assemblers needed.

Would fix, but don’t know how to OCaml yet.

doomeer commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the bug report!

I just tried it though and it seems that it is still working. But, be careful with the note: "Note: if you use both blue and yellow machines, the productivity bonus which is used is the yellow one.". This sometimes confuses me too, did you try putting the bonus in the yellow assembly instead?

Lava84flow commented 5 years ago

Was double checking it real quick, look like it's only applying to whatever is currently taking the 'A' slot... i guess what threw me is that you would think that assigning a productivity to only blue assemblers and nothing else and then using B-whatever would still work... not having to uncheck the others. I thought that whole only applies line was only a thing when multiple machines had productivly level set.

Lava84flow commented 5 years ago

so, we chalking this up to not actually gonna fix or what?