doomlab / MeMoBootR

A package for mediation, moderation, and bootstrapped indirect effects
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tibbles and column spaces #4

Open doomlab opened 3 years ago

doomlab commented 3 years ago

From Kelsey Sewell:


I tried converting Demographic.E4 allele to a factor with 2 levels (as opposed to a character variable) and I still was getting the same error. Please note, there are no NA’s in this variable: summary(ImputesAmyloid$Demographic.E4 allele) No Yes 173 51

I then tried to recreate the error using the states dataset from R and I couldn’t. I used this code and it ran fine: states = states$murdercat = states$Murder states$murdercat= as.factor(ifelse(states$Murder <= 5, "Low", ifelse(states$Murder > 5, "High", NA))) test = moderation1(y = "Income", x = "Illiteracy", m = "murdercat", cvs = "Frost", df = states, with_out = T)

I so I created a new ‘categorical’ variable in my dataset (even though Demographic.E4 allele was already categorical): ImputesAmyloid$allelecat = ImputesAmyloid$Demographic.E4 allele ImputesAmyloid$allelecat = as.factor(ifelse(ImputesAmyloid$Demographic.E4 allele == "No", "No", ifelse(ImputesAmyloid$Demographic.E4 allele == "Yes", "Yes", NA)))

Then ran the model using the new variable and it ran fine.

doublemodtest <- moderation1(y = "Image.PET.Centiloid",
                  x = "totalMETs",
                  m = "allelecat",
                  cvs = c("Age", "Demographic.Sex", "mood.y", "premorbidIQ.y", "`PSQI.Q7-Medicine-Induced Sleep`", "Collection"),
                  with_out = F,
                  df = ImputesAmyloid)

I really have no idea why this worked as Demographic.E4 allele and allelecat appear to be exactly the same?

str(ImputesAmyloid$Demographic.E4 allele) Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ... str(ImputesAmyloid$allelecat) Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ...

The only difference I can think of is that Demographic.E4 allele was read in from excel using the readxl package, whereas allelecat wasn’t.