Added new property, rowCheckBoxGroupDepth, in rowgroups, that allows to show checkboxes only for certain depth into the subgroups, and not for every row. Example, a title, subtitle, and item, with only checkbox in the items, and not in the title and subtitle.
enabletitlechecked, does the same but for not grouped rows when I dont want to show checkbox in the title. It is to prevent the user to select every row checking the title.
backgroundGradient, allows to decorate the column title just passing a nice gradient.
Changes in pluto_grid_popup.dart
barrierDismisible property, boolean, to select wether or not the popup grid will be dismissed just clicked somewhere else.
Changes in pluto_default_cell.dart
Changes to implemente those made in pluto_column.dart for check box row depth
Changes in pluto_column_title.dart
Changes to implement those made in pluto_column.dart, for title gradient
Changes in pluto_column.dart
Added new property, rowCheckBoxGroupDepth, in rowgroups, that allows to show checkboxes only for certain depth into the subgroups, and not for every row. Example, a title, subtitle, and item, with only checkbox in the items, and not in the title and subtitle.
enabletitlechecked, does the same but for not grouped rows when I dont want to show checkbox in the title. It is to prevent the user to select every row checking the title.
backgroundGradient, allows to decorate the column title just passing a nice gradient.
Changes in pluto_grid_popup.dart
Changes in pluto_default_cell.dart
Changes in pluto_column_title.dart