doonny / PipeCNN

An OpenCL-based FPGA Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks
Apache License 2.0
1.22k stars 370 forks source link

PipeCNN for Xilinx #147

Closed nazarihome closed 3 years ago

nazarihome commented 3 years ago

@doonny I see that Xilinx is not supported anymore but what was the last commit that was tested on Xilinx? I have got an old commit(PipeCNN-208a75a5ef11b16d9f74624f10a03404da562f00) to compil for Xilinx U200 but I can't run it as it throws bad binary error. I think the problem is how it uses pipes/channels. But I am not sure.

$ ./run.exe conv.xclbin
PipeCNN: An OpenCL-Based FPGA Accelerator for CNNs 

Platform: Xilinx
Using 1 device(s)
  Device 0: xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2
Device OpenCL Version: OpenCL 1.0
Device Max Compute Units: 0
Device Max WorkGroup Size: -1
Device Max WorkItem Size: -1
Device Global Memory Size: 65536 MBytes
Device Local Memory Size: 16 KBytes
Device Max Clock Freq: 500 Mhz

Loading kernel/binary from file conv.xclbin
XRT build version: 2.5.309
Build hash: 9a03790c11f066a5597b133db737cf4683ad84c8
Build date: 2020-02-23 18:51:37
Git branch: 2019.2_PU2
PID: 24252
UID: 1000
[Thu Aug  6 11:36:39 2020]
HOST: argus-R815
EXE: /home/argus/workspace/PipeCNN_xilinx/project/run.exe
[XRT] ERROR: bad binary version 'PK
Location: ../common/ocl_util.cpp:415
Failed to create program with binary

I was wondering which version definitely has worked with Xilinx compiler before.

doonny commented 3 years ago

We will make corret update for the Vitis soon. All old versions did not support Vitis.

doonny commented 3 years ago

Please check the latest update.