doonny / PipeCNN

An OpenCL-based FPGA Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks
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HW Configuration for DE1SOC #37

Closed SmartRoof closed 6 years ago

SmartRoof commented 6 years ago

Hi, referring to instructions, the best result of AlexNet model executed on De1Soc is 149 ms. However, the best result i got is just around 450 ms with the following hw configurations:

I do tried to increase the LANE_NUM to 8. But i got the following error even-though the resources of the device is not fully used up.

"kernel cannot fit into device"

Could you kindly share us the appropriate hw configuration for the VEC_SIZE, LANE_NUM, and CONV_GP_SIZE_X??

Thank you

doonny commented 6 years ago

Use the following configurations for DE1-SOC VEC_SIZE = 8 LANE_NUM = 8 CONV_GP_SIZE_X = 7

the resource utilizations are like this:

Registers: 67,316 Logic utilization: 28,961 / 32,070 ( 90 % ) ( 90 % ) I/O pins: 103 / 457 ( 23 % ) DSP blocks: 73 / 87 ( 84 % ) Memory bits: 2,219,759 / 4,065,280 ( 55 % ) M10K blocks: 397 / 397 ( 100 % ) Actual clock freq: 122.529999912 Kernel fmax: 122.53 1x clock fmax: 122.53 2x clock fmax: 301.2 Highest non-global fanout: 3075

LCF2016 commented 6 years ago

Hi,@doonny could you kindly also share us the appropriate hw configuration of DE10_Standard board? Thanks a lot.

zhao-lun commented 6 years ago

Hello prof @doonny , Why DE1-SOC has 32k Logic? Suppose it has 85k Logic element.

doonny commented 6 years ago

@johnnydept Hi, the number is ALM not LE. @LCF2016 the following configurations should work for DE10 std, but it is not the optimal one. VEC_SIZE = 16 LANE_NUM = 8 CONV_GP_SIZE_X = 7