doonny / PipeCNN

An OpenCL-based FPGA Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks
Apache License 2.0
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How to reduce RAMB utilization #48

Closed HeroGian closed 6 years ago

HeroGian commented 6 years ago

Dear doonny, I'm trying to test PipeCNN framework on some Xilinx's FPGA embedded boards for take some power measurement. Actually I would like to compile the framework for Digilent ZedBoard but the synthetized program is too large for this FPGA platform, the XOCC compiler returns this error:

297 RAMB18 and RAMB36/FIFO required but only 280

Could you give me some hints for reducing the BRAM utilization?

Thank You

doonny commented 6 years ago

SDoC is not fully supported yet. Use small value of VEC_SIZE and LANE_NUM can reduce the RAM costs.

HeroGian commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply,

I have tried to reduce VEC_SIZE to 4 and LANE_NUM to 8 and it compiles perfectly! But when I try to run the executable on ZedBoard it doesn't work at clEnqueueNDRangeKernel invocation for knl_lrn[i], the error is the following:

_Launching kernel lrn with local size: 1, 1, 24 (global size: 27, 27, 24) ERROR: ClEnqueueNDRangeKernel : CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE case 6 ERROR: CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE Location: ../src/host/main.cpp:958 Failed to launch kernel lrn WARNING: Profiling may contain incomplete information. Please ensure all OpenCL objects are released by your host code (e.g., clReleaseProgram()). terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtimeerror' what(): software scheduler stopping while there are active commands Aborted

probably I need to update some other parameters like LRN_MAX_LOCAL_SIZE or something related? could you give me some hints? I am not used OpenCL before

The device "max work group size" for ZedBoard is:

device max work item dimensions : 3 device max work group size : 4096 device max work item sizes : [ 4096 4096 4096 ]

Thank You

doonny commented 6 years ago

Sorry, we have not used SDSoC yet.

HeroGian commented 6 years ago

Ok thank you very much anyway doonny. I will keep trying to make it works with SDSoC, unfortunately I don't have a SDAccel license.