doonze / EmbyUpdate

A python script for automatically updating Emby to the latest version on Linux distros.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
15 stars 3 forks source link

4.12 Rolled. Whole new app, ground up rewrite. Requires Python 3.7+, but will work on 3.6 with some fiddling (maybe) #19

Open doonze opened 8 months ago

doonze commented 8 months ago

So after the 3.3 disaster, I've been loath to release anything new. But I've been working on a major overhaul for a few years. Finally pulled the trigger. I tested this in every way I could think of and finally got it working as expected. The big hurdle was getting it to update 3.5 or 3.6 versions. Those used config files, and had borked unzipper code. I now fixed the unzipper. But when they unzip the new version it's all borked, so I had to write code to manually fix it.

But of course, it wasn't just that easy, I had to figure out a way to fix it BEFORE the new app really started running, as it needs things to be nice and tidy in folders, not the mess the old unzipper made, dumping everything into the ./ path. So it has to start, fix the problems previous versions made, THEN RESTART itself and fully load. That was fun.

I also dropped config files to move to a SQLite DB for configs. Therefore, I had to figure out how to pull existing settings, then put them into the new DB, and continue on without needing user interaction. So I didn't break automation. That wasn't too bad, just some trial and error.

There are a few known issues:

I think that's it. Lots of new features. But I have to get them documented. A lot you can do from the command line with arguments now. But I haven't tested them all out recently. Want to focus on this upgrade, work through any issues anyone has, and then start working on the features again.