doonze / EmbyUpdate

A python script for automatically updating Emby to the latest version on Linux distros.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Error trying to create the config file. #8

Closed MaDTaZ closed 2 years ago

MaDTaZ commented 2 years ago

Running Version 3.3 on LinuxMint. I had it working perfectly now stopped working

Please review above choices and type CONFIRM to continue or c to cancel update and install! [CONFIRM/c] CONFIRM Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 173, in config = ConfigParser() TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

doonze commented 2 years ago

This was due to some undetected errors in a pull request I merged and my lack of testing as well as I should have. Unfortunately, since the self updater was effected all installed scripts updated themselves to the broken code and are...well... broken until manually updated to version 3.5. :( :( :( :(

If you install 3.5 back over your current install, all should work again as intended. I sincerely apologize to you and everyone else affected for my lack of catching the error before it got pushed and broke the selfupdate process. It was my first time merging a pull request and I had thought I had just merged certain commits (that WERE tested) and not all the commits (some that had NOT been tested). I'll never make THAT mistake again!

MaDTaZ commented 2 years ago


MaDTaZ commented 2 years ago

Look like I dont have my config.ini anymore but give me this error sudo python3 --config

Config update started....

File "", line 170 config = configparser.ConfigParser()) ^ SyntaxError: unmatched ')'

Running sudo python3 -v EmbyUpdate 3.5

hstorey219 commented 2 years ago

Hi There, Got the same error as MaDTaZ, line 170

MaDTaZ commented 2 years ago

9 Pull Request

edited the line 170

config = configparser.ConfigParser()) to config = configparser.ConfigParser()

I am good now
Edited and did a pull request not sure if I did it right! First time I ever fixed something lol

doonze commented 2 years ago

That's for the pull request fix, it's been rolled and is live. I didn't lose my config file and as I was doing copy/paste of the fixes I didn't catch it as I didn't run That's my bad, but since it worked everywhere else I just assumed it was ok. That's what you get for assuming!

doonze commented 2 years ago

Hi There, Got the same error as MaDTaZ, line 170

You can either download the latest version and unzip it over your existing version or manually make the change MaDTaZ mentioned, then run the script. It will then get in sync with the latest version.

MaDTaZ commented 2 years ago

That fixed it I was able to do everything

<09/17/21 07:35:11> EmbyUpdate: We're up to date! Current and Online versions are at Exiting.

<09/17/21 07:35:11> EmbyUpdate(self): App is up to date! Current and Online versions are at v3.6-Stable. Exiting!

Thanks for your work and quick responses.