I initially tried the instructions in the README, and they bombed out.
Bunch of errors like,
moveit_ros_planning: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [generate_parameter_library]
But...ros foxy HAS moveit2 packages now? Why not use them?
This got me to the point where I could run the sample commands like
ros2 launch moveit_config_m1013 m1013.launch.py
and it would pop up rviz.
The only problem is that it showed an empty view. No Robot, unlike when I do the non-moveit things like
ros2 launch dsr_launcher2 dsr_joint_state_pub.launch.py model:=a0912 color:=blue
I initially tried the instructions in the README, and they bombed out. Bunch of errors like,
moveit_ros_planning: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [generate_parameter_library]
But...ros foxy HAS moveit2 packages now? Why not use them?
So I tried the following:
This got me to the point where I could run the sample commands like ros2 launch moveit_config_m1013 m1013.launch.py and it would pop up rviz.
The only problem is that it showed an empty view. No Robot, unlike when I do the non-moveit things like
ros2 launch dsr_launcher2 dsr_joint_state_pub.launch.py model:=a0912 color:=blue
and it shows the robot just fine.