dopry / svelte-auth0

Svelte Auth0 Components
72 stars 13 forks source link

client_id is totally visible in the bundle.js #24

Closed j2l closed 2 years ago

j2l commented 2 years ago

Simply visit http://localhost:5000/build/bundle.js and search for client_id

dopry commented 2 years ago

Yes, that is how it works. Here are some resources you can use to educate yourself about OAuth/OIDC and security related to what is exposed to the browser in different authorization flows.

j2l commented 2 years ago

I was not mean but hey, you can use the auth0 svelte code and tutorial to educate yourself. It does the same stuff without the need for additional packages. I frankly hoped that yours was doing it differently.

dopry commented 2 years ago

The client_id is not a secret. There is no need to hide or obfuscate it in an spa.