two deployment , go-hello-pipeline and mongo-db. none of them reflect the lead time to change from commit-exporter (both providers image and container image)
go-hello-pipeline image build from tekton with label and annotation with task and transferred from internal registry to standalone quay.
[root@lb-2 ~]# podman inspect quay.apps.test.lab.local/paco/go-pipeline-hello| jq -r '.[0].Config.Labels'
"architecture": "x86_64",
"build-date": "2022-10-26T01:47:08",
"com.redhat.component": "go-toolset-container",
"com.redhat.license_terms": "",
"description": "Go Toolset available as a container is a base platform for building and running various Go applications and frameworks. Go is an easy to learn, powerful, statically typed language in the C/C++ tradition with garbage collection, concurrent programming support, and memory safety features.",
"distribution-scope": "public",
"io.buildah.version": "1.23.1",
"io.k8s.description": "Go Toolset available as a container is a base platform for building and running various Go applications and frameworks. Go is an easy to learn, powerful, statically typed language in the C/C++ tradition with garbage collection, concurrent programming support, and memory safety features.",
"io.k8s.display-name": "Go 1.17.12",
"": "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/golang:1.17-ubi7",
"": ".",
"io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url": "image:///usr/libexec/s2i",
"io.openshift.tags": "builder,golang,golang117,rh-golang117,go",
"io.s2i.scripts-url": "image:///usr/libexec/s2i",
"name": "devtools/go-toolset-rhel7",
"release": "2.1666745579",
"summary": "Platform for building and running Go applications",
"url": "",
"vcs-ref": "f408ea11d446fcf044d4f8ffab35b958e6e8131d",
"vcs-type": "git",
"vendor": "Red Hat, Inc.",
"version": "1.17.12"
mongo-db image build from Build Config with label automatically attached and transferred from internal registry to standalone quay.
OpenShift version
Problem description
two deployment , go-hello-pipeline and mongo-db. none of them reflect the lead time to change from commit-exporter (both providers image and container image)
go-hello-pipeline image build from tekton with label and annotation with task and transferred from internal registry to standalone quay.
mongo-db image build from Build Config with label automatically attached and transferred from internal registry to standalone quay.
Steps to reproduce
Pelorus configuration:
deployment -prod-go-pipeline-hello
deployment -mongo
Current behavior
no lead time to change
Expected behavior
There should be a lead time to change metrics appeared in the dashboard. as two committer-exporter(image and container image) configured.
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