Open etsauer opened 1 year ago
While doing the doc rework with @mateusoliveira43 we actually renamed all the files from kebab-case(spinal-case) to PascalCase format, except, which has to be lower-case. But I don't have anything against reverting back to kebab-case for files, just this would need to be propagated in few other places where we have links already set / or create redirects to point to new locations.
Here is nice write-up on the Geeks Culture site: as the other side of the medal another docs that recommends kebab-cases for GitHub flavored markdown.
I agree with Eric on using snake-case (lowercase letters and hyphens to separate words) for the file and folders in the docs
But lets document that! (under development, maybe)
? @etsauer proposed second option so kebab-case
sorry, my mistake. I prefer snake_case (because I am a Python guy hehehe), but I saw that people prefer kebab-case for URLs. To follow convention, I believe its better to use kebab-case
So, my vote is to name every markdown file in docs
folder kebab-case (images I would use snake_case)
So we have proposition for docs/**
folder, except docs/img
"Text" files such as: *.md
/ *.css
, / *.htm*
/ *.txt
Directory names, except sub-directories in the docs/img
Image files *.png
/ *.jpg
/ *.jpeg
/ *.svg
and subdirectory names in the docs/img
@mateusoliveira43 @etsauer @KevinMGranger is that about right? Also what is best for 2b ?
to make things simple, can we have everything (folders and files) under docs folder use kebab-case (except the files and folders in img folder)?
in this case, 2.b) would use hyphens (-) as well
Sure we do, so updating the previous comment to have it a base for our development doc.
@mateusoliveira43 updated, but this isn't simpler, see how the guideline looks now (docs/img/..) case is different then (docs/**), which make it harder imo.
Before our next docs release, I would like for us to normalize the file naming convention for our
folder. Since the file and directory names drive the URL structure of the Pelorus website, I would like to propose the following conventions to start:-
) to separate words