dorbel-tech / dorbel-app

Main dorbel node.js app
0 stars 1 forks source link

Research native wrapper solution #1630

Open virtser opened 6 years ago

virtser commented 6 years ago

Lets research native wrapper solutions for our web application, in case we want to release it as real mobile app.

The mobile native push messages interface is important to make use of to notify users of actions in the system (like chat messages)/

Lets research the following options by creating small POC:

  1. React native #1654
  2. Phonegap/Cordova like solution #1655
  3. Web push app -
  4. Minimal wrapper -
virtser commented 6 years ago - Convert your web application into native Android and iOS



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virtser commented 6 years ago

virtser commented 6 years ago

virtser commented 6 years ago

Research outcome: