dorian3d / DBoW2

Enhanced hierarchical bag-of-word library for C++
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An error when saving the vocabulary to disk #52

Open jsdd25 opened 4 years ago

jsdd25 commented 4 years ago

When I ran demo, there was an error occurred. Here is part of the output: "OpenCV Error: Bad argument (The written string is too long) in icvYMLWriteString, file /home/jin/opencv-3.2.0/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 2111 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/jin/opencv-3.2.0/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp:2111: error: (-5) The written string is too long in function icvYMLWriteString". How should I solve it? Thank you very much!