dorianj / CoRD

CoRD is a Mac OS X remote desktop client for Microsoft Windows computers using the RDP protocol. It's easy to use, fast, and free for anyone to use or modify.
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OSX 10.10 Yosemite Support #70

Closed ryanchantler closed 9 years ago

ryanchantler commented 9 years ago

It appears that OS X 10.10 Yosemite has broken Cord. :( I can no longer connect to any remote RDP server via VPN or direct.

ryanchantler commented 9 years ago

Did a little research. Looks like Apple has done away with the CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost call that was needed for Mavericks and replaced it with NSStream +getStreamsToHostWithName.

I would implement and fix this if I could, but this type of development is currently outside of my capabilities.

Hope someone can help! I'm going through Cord withdrawal.

dinvlad commented 9 years ago

Hasn't this been fixed in c67c19b? Also, you could temporarily use IP addresses - works with them for me, even with an older build.

janberlin commented 9 years ago

For me works fine, I am using VPN and addressing a local server. But seems the printers are not working anymore.

peelman commented 9 years ago

I too haven't had any issues with CoRD on 10.10 (yet).

janberlin commented 9 years ago

By the way the printer problem seem to be consistent with all my RD Clients, so the "printer connection" in 10.10 has changed?

peelman commented 9 years ago

Thats entirely possible. Probably should be filed as a separate bug.

michaelblyons commented 9 years ago

I apologize for posting this here, but does CoRD require building from source, now, or are there still releases? I hadn't gotten an update since 0.5.7, and I thought the project was abandoned until someone closed a ticket I was watching, which brought me back here.

peelman commented 9 years ago

No. 0.5.7 is the latest release. There are a few minor changes in the codebase that has happened since that release, but I still use 0.5.7 every day (or nearly so). I definitely wouldn't regard it as 'problem free' as there are many issues, but its definitely still viable.

CoRD isn't abandoned, just not in active development. @dorianj and I are still lurking, and while I can't speak for him, I run CoRD every day, and usually run the betas of major OS updates and do minor updates the day of release, so were something major to break via a change Apples makes, I'd do whatever I could to fix it, or at least isolate the problem and entertain some help to solve it. That said, @dorianj has been in control of the releases, and while we've considered putting out a 0.5.8 (or even a β release, it just hasn't happened yet.

peelman commented 9 years ago

Also: Ryan was almost right with this bug report; but it wasn't his fault, NSHipster screwed it up first. The patch @dinvlad mentions below does indeed future proof CoRD. Apple deprecated the NSStream static method in 10.10, they didn't debut it. It had been there since 10.3. It just continues the trend of pushing important code down into Foundation and out of Cocoa to make it more universal. @mstetson's patch (#68) fixed this a while ago.

That being said, deprecation is not deletion, the method still exists in cocoa in 10.10, and thereby will continue to work.

To anybody having issues with this still on 10.10, you're probably falling victim to the issue discussed in #52 and #53.

Given the above, I'm going to close this ticket.

vikaspushkar commented 9 years ago

the official page says CoRD is supported on 10.5-10.8.... and i am not able to connect to 2012 server even if i use IP addresses i tried to connect to XP machine also ( had one in my storeroom :D ).... is there any thing i am missing?... Is it officially supported on 10.9 and 10.10

peelman commented 9 years ago

Don't trust web pages that haven't been updated in years. That said, CoRD runs on 10.9 and 10.10 (and insofar as I have tested, 10.11). However as Microsoft has evolved RDP significantly, and CoRD has not kept pace. That said, 2012 connections are possible, but there are a few glitches and you have to enable the "accept connections from older clients" setting, whatever its called these days.

vikaspushkar commented 9 years ago

Why has it started using UDP sockets instead of TCP socket? if yes then Why such a changes has been introduced and since when it is introduced?