doriansmiley / codestrap

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Figure out IDE setup #1

Open doriansmiley opened 3 years ago

doriansmiley commented 3 years ago

I'd like to configure access to a web-based IDE for Chromebooks. It needs to sit behind a paywall. Let's focus solely on Linux training for now. Options include:

  1. Cloud 9 - This seems like a slam dunk because we have a Linux terminal, AWS services, and web dev built-in. It's also possible to incorporate video conferencing with the Chime SDK. The downside is the setup is a bit clunky and it costs money to operate. We can easily put this behind a paywall though because access will be granted using AWS IAM users. This won't scale very well though as it's really a silo model.
  2. StackBlitz Web Container Project - This seems ideal for open source development on Lotus. We might be able to easily put it behind a paywall, but I'm not sure. Also, the terminal isn't a complete Linux shell.
  3. - Copsy looks awesome as a Linux shell. However it hides your cursor which sucks and will confuse people.
  4. Tutorial Point has an online Linux terminal. This is basically what I want my platform to be, just way better.
  5. JSLinux - JSLinux looks pretty cool as it is a true Linux environment. I'd like to see how they set up their code. It looks like it's probably using WebSockets or something.
  6. There are several others listed here. Honestly though Cloud 9 is the best option.
doriansmiley commented 2 years ago

COCALC is the shit. Works great for learning simple commands. Perfect for freemium. They also have the ability to create courses on the platform. They also offer GitHub access. There is also an API. I think this is easier than working with Cloud9. To perform Javascript programming tasks I think we can link to StackBlitz web component projects that allow the user to issue a pull request.