dorneanu / smalisca

Static Code Analysis for Smali files
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Improving sql insertions #21

Open razaina opened 7 years ago

razaina commented 7 years ago

Currently smalisca uses sqlite via sqlalchemy to store all the required information that have been extracted and computed.

sqlite is soooooo sloooowwwwww, especially on very huge applications.

I resolved this by switching from sqlite to mysql (mariadb). Performances are multiplied by 100.......

However I think I can't create a new pull request if I can't push a new branch. ("remote: Permission to dorneanu/smalisca.git denied")

dorneanu commented 7 years ago

I think you'll have to: 1) fork the project 2) do the commits to your project 3) create a pull request

... because of course you cannot push a new branch on my personal git repo.

razaina commented 7 years ago

oh ok, will do that then...

thought that it was possible to add kindof "contributors" to a project

dorneanu commented 7 years ago

I think as soon as the PR is merged, github will automatically add you as a contributor. Like here: