dorothealint / Rick-and-Morty

Digital Humanities project marking up and analyzing data from Rick and Morty
The Unlicense
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An idea... #1

Open dorothealint opened 6 years ago

dorothealint commented 6 years ago

I have committed a picture of the cover and of a random page of one of the graphic novel episodes of Rick and Morty. I wonder, since the interest this semester seems to be CBML, if we could possibly include a section in the project on a comparison between one of the graphic novels and something in the tv scripts.

helvitiis commented 6 years ago

Hi @dorothealint ! I'm sure we can do this, and we'll talk more about where we'd like to take this project during our first meeting. I'm sorry I had to skip out after class today, I had to meet with another group about their project. Do you think we could set up regular meetings in FOB 131 on Wednesdays or Fridays from 11:30 - 1 (after class time)? I'm so excited to work on this project with you!!

dorothealint commented 6 years ago

Either of those days work for me @quantum-satire though I have to leave a little earlier than 1 if we stay after to talk a little while this Friday because I have an errand to run before my 2:00 class. If I left by 12:30 I'd be fine on time. I am excited to work with you too and I'm hoping we can get some stuff in here that is tailored to your interests as well (like the graphic novel stuff)!

There is an interesting thing about the Rick's garage workshop, there is a box on a shelf labeled "time travel stuff" because Rick can't do time travel properly! He's brilliant but that's something he can't figure out. The writers get around it by using his dimensional portal gun though. It might be interesting to try to map how many times he's gotten around time travel by using dimensional travel. Like he goes to a universe that has McDonald's szechuan sauce from the original Mulan - you may have heard about that. It was big news! LOL. My buddy and I tailgated at McDonald's on the day they released the sauce. We didn't get any though.

helvitiis commented 6 years ago

@dorothealint Let's meet on Fridays! We should have plenty of time to knock out some details and a plan of where we'd like to take the project if we finish by 12:30. I like to add in that extra time for just in case, as my project team last semester ran for 45 minutes on some meeting days and on other days ran for two hours!

I just finished reading the comic book you gave me--I actually laughed aloud more than a few times, I really enjoyed it! I think this project is going to be great. I like the use of multiple universes--the Multiverse Theory is obviously prevalent throughout the story, we should think of working with that for our project! We could markup how many times time-travel / inter dimensional travel is mentioned, the amount of scientific language used, track important characters introduced or referenced in the scripts of the shows and the comics, and many more things that might show up in the show. You would know this much better than I do at this point, so much of the idea work for what we could use will probably come from you! I can definitely see graph network analysis being used multiple times for R&M.

On a side note... have you heard of Neil Degrasse Tyson? He's an astrophysicist and a big proponent of the Multiverse. You might enjoy his talks and books!