dorothealint / Rick-and-Morty

Digital Humanities project marking up and analyzing data from Rick and Morty
The Unlicense
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Project Feedback #21

Open helvitiis opened 6 years ago

helvitiis commented 6 years ago

This issue is meant for project feedback.

Please feel free to provide your feedback on some of these topics and more:

garrettjoiner commented 6 years ago

Loved the website! I specifically like how you have the script for every episode listed in a very organized manner! Color choices would normally make me say ahhh but for rick and morty it works so well! The timeline was a little confusing so maybe a little more explanation. Other than that overall it's great!

helvitiis commented 6 years ago

@garrettjoiner Hey Garrett! Do you mind if I ask what you mean by the timeline being confusing? Is this a styling choice or a lack of explanation on our part? Thanks!