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Dortania Bugtracker
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Storage - Anti-Hackintosh Hardware - suggest to avoid specifically Intel 600p #154

Closed antoniomcr96 closed 3 years ago

antoniomcr96 commented 3 years ago

It should be suggested to avoid using this NVMe drive (Intel 600p)

The problem, in detail, is reported in a previous issue on acidenthera's repo: and it has also been reported by other users in other configurations.

The guide already says: Note for laptop users: Intel SSDs don't always play nicely with laptops and can cause issues, avoid when possible

Before using the disk, I did some research and I noticed that the next model (Intel 660p) was used in some laptop configuration without issues so I thought it could be the same for the older drive. Unfortunately the experience, as reported, hasn't been positive with Intel 600p. Changing the drive solved everything

I would suggest to put Intel 600p In the blacklist of drives for macOS in the interest of other users who own / plan to use the same disk.