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Add ocvalidate support to Post Install Guide #159

Closed khronokernel closed 3 years ago

khronokernel commented 3 years ago

Ref: Updating OpenCore and macOS

dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

@khronokernel I just wrote a draft on a few sheets of paper and came to the conclusion that probably to mention ocvalidate we have two choices:

  1. Edit Line 52 of as it follows:

    Once you've made the adjustments and made sure you config is compliant with the newest release of OpenCore using `ocvalidate` OpenCore utility, make sure to double check your setting with the OpenCore Guide on what to set everything to, otherwise read the Differences.pdf if you want to get a bit more technical.
  2. Write a new paragraph called Check config.plist integrity or something similar where we can provide more informations like images of ocvalidate.

Please let me know what you think about that and what's your preferred choice so in the next days I can try to write off one of those ideas. Have a nice day dreamwhite

khronokernel commented 3 years ago

Hmm I'm kinda leaning towards #2 as new users will be unfamiliar with ocvalidate. Perhaps as you mentioned, we can add a brief intro, how to use and images of what it should look like

dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

Hmm I'm kinda leaning towards #2 as new users will be unfamiliar with ocvalidate. Perhaps as you mentioned, we can add a brief intro, how to use and images of what it should look like

Alright, how should we proceed then? Would you like that I provide a screenshot of ocvalidate? If so, which terminal should I use? I see that in dortania's guides is used. Do you care about it or can I provide the screenshots using iTerm2?

I attach a screenshot of how a mine would be like:


Eventually I can clear the console:


khronokernel commented 3 years ago

Would you like that I provide a screenshot of ocvalidate? If so, which terminal should I use? I see that in dortania's guides is used. Do you care about it or can I provide the screenshots using iTerm2?

To keep consistency I can handle the screenshots. If you want, you can add placeholder images that I can later replace

dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

@khronokernel I just wrote a draft of the file. Please let me know if you need more infos, despite ocvalidate is self-explanatory :/

khronokernel commented 3 years ago