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Clarification on the XhciPortLimit quirk (Especially because it is getting removed) #161

Closed DMNerd closed 3 years ago

DMNerd commented 3 years ago

This has to do with the PostInstall/Install guides.

My problem is the absence of information on the XhciPortLimit quirk. 1) In the Install guide, you are explicitltly told to enable it and what it is - all good 2) In the post install USB map section, there is a lack of clarifycation on wheter this quirk should be then set to false. Only that we don't need it. I find this a bit inconsistent and on even my 11 or so readtrough I have not understand this imidiately (Whis could be a bit on me but I don't think it is entirely my fault as I understand EVERYTHING ELSE completely).

More so, the way this quirk's name is confusing as XhciPortLimit set to true implies that the number of ports is being limited, while what I gather from the documentation on OC's side (which is just as confusing) is not true.

As this is a issue that could make the difference between build booting or not, I feel this should be clarified, ideally before 11.3 comes out.

Thank you for your work!

khronokernel commented 3 years ago

Hello, regarding your points:

there is a lack of clarifycation on wheter this quirk should be then set to false.

We actually do mention this information in the intro and manual mapping guide

Could you elaborate more where this info may be missing and where it should be present?

Regarding the semi-automated Intel mapping guide, our team members currently do not have time to rewrite the entire file since's rewrite.

Regarding the guide we link, we don't maintain the repo so information on the would need to be discussed with the author(CorpNewt)

DMNerd commented 3 years ago

Hello. I found the info most lacking in the USBmap guide. But i understand from what you wrote that that is more or less problem of the age of that part.

But my problem is more semantical really. I think that there should be clarification on the quirk name (as I explained XhciPortLimit true implies more or less that the ports are limited while they actually aren't, since setting it to true actually disables the limit). And the second point is that in the usb guide it should explicitly say to set it to false after mapping, to keep consistency with the rest of the guide.

Is that enough of an explanation? Sorry if this seems as unimportant, but as someone who's native language is not English I can see people who's English might not be as good as mine getting confused with those slight issues.

DMNerd commented 3 years ago

'XhciPortLimit(Under Kernel -> Quirks) Now that we're finally under the 15 port limit, we no longer need this hacky fix'

This part especially could actually say the setting. The absence of the -> false in the heading makes it a bit inconsistent when reading the rest. It might be a nitpick though.

khronokernel commented 3 years ago

Resolved in master

DMNerd commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much