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[POST-INSTALL] Missing explanation at "Run the Modified GRUB Shell" #168

Open rowild opened 3 years ago

rowild commented 3 years ago
dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

You're right, probably most users may be lead to confusion while reading the guide. I suggest to write a statement like:

Add modGRUBShell.efi onto OC/Tools directory and include it accordingly in config.plist

rowild commented 3 years ago

What is missing, still, is that there has to be a restart into OpenCore, right? So far, the documentation explains steps that are taken on a running OS. But modGRUBShell.efi has to be executed somewhere else... I actually still do not know how, because the guide I followed explains how to prepare a USB stick that has to be loaded on startup (meaning: Not loading OC or anything else, but just that very script).

dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

What is missing, still, is that there has to be a restart into OpenCore, right? So far, the documentation explains steps that are taken on a running OS. But modGRUBShell.efi has to be executed somewhere else... I actually still do not know how, because the guide I followed explains how to prepare a USB stick that has to be loaded on startup (meaning: Not loading OC or anything else, but just that very script).

Mh, I got your point. Answering your question: yes, after you found your CFG Lock offset (same applies for DVMT-Preallocated and DVMT-Total Gfx offsets), you'll need to reboot onto OpenCore after adding modGRUBShell.efi tool. I don't wanna spam here a repo I created, but it contains a fully debug OpenCore EFI containing all the necessary tools that you may need to create your OpenCore EFI.

TL;DR: after you found your CFG Lock offset, add modGRUBShell.efi onto your EFI (both in OC/Tools and OC/config.plist), reboot in OpenCore and launch modGRUBShell.efi

rowild commented 3 years ago

Since I am still not successful in starting up OC, I would still like to know - just from reading the docu - how to start the modGRUBShell.efi? (I know: to a pro this seems too much of a detail, but it actually isn't. Those step-by-step explanations can be found in the really excellent install guide.)

I assume there will be selection list somewhere, where I can choose from. And this will probably open a shell, where I enter the "setup_var 0x4E 0x00"? (Maybe with a screenshot?)

IMO that would make the docu better understandable in the sense, that I as a reader can follow it even though I do not have OC running or a computer nearby. (And again: I say this because the installation guide is actually written that way [and it is really written very well!]: I can read it on the tramway to familiarise myself with it; and as soon as I am at the computer I can start working right away...)

dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

Since I am still not successful in starting up OC, I would still like to know - just from reading the docu - how to start the modGRUBShell.efi? (I know: to a pro this seems too much of a detail, but it actually isn't. Those step-by-step explanations can be found in the really excellent install guide.)

I assume there will be selection list somewhere, where I can choose from. And this will probably open a shell, where I enter the "setup_var 0x4E 0x00"? (Maybe with a screenshot?)

Well yes, you'll reach a selection list (boot-picker) where you can choose which entry boot (in our case modGRUBShell.efi). This will open a shell where you can enter the command.

I'll try to make a PR if is well accepted by dortania's team where it'll be explained step-by-step how to reach modGRUBShell.efi.

Since I am still not successful in starting up OC What you mean by that? Do you mean that you can reach OpenCore boot-picker but CAN'T boot macOS or you can't even boot OpenCore using a thumb drive formatted in FAT32?

Below a picture which depicts what does OpenCore builtin boot-picker looks like:


Anyways, until me or whoever, will make the PR, here you are the steps you need to follow in order to open modGRUBShell.efi. I assume that at least you can reach the picker (boot-selection menu) using your OpenCore EFI.

  1. Download modGRUBShell.efi and place it into your OpenCore EFI Tools folder (EFI/OC/Tools).
  2. Open your config.plist with ProperTree and do a snapshot using CorpNewt's ProperTree's OC-Snapshot feature (press Command-R and select your EFI folder). This will add the tool in the config (Misc/Tools)
  3. Boot OpenCore and press the number/letter on your keyboard corresponding to modGRUBShell.efi and write the command for unlocking CFG Lock

If you still need help don't hesitate to write here

rowild commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @dreamwhite ! I think this would help the docu very much!

ATM I do not need help with this topic, since I actually solved it. However, I still have troubles getting my setup running. But I try to get feedback for those things on Discord, since github is not the place for that, as you probably will agree. Maybe I see you there? Could really use your expertise :-)

dreamwhite commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @dreamwhite ! I think this would help the docu very much!

ATM I do not need help with this topic, since I actually solved it. However, I still have troubles getting my setup running. But I try to get feedback for those things on Discord, since github is not the place for that, as you probably will agree. Maybe I see you there? Could really use your expertise :-)

Sure, my nickname isdreamwhite#0362