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CFG lock guide - mentions deprecated VerifyMsrE2.efi which no longer exists? #202

Closed WWWFWWW closed 1 year ago

WWWFWWW commented 3 years ago

GUIDE: Checking if your firmware supports CFG Lock unlocking

ISSUE: Text with links not working, mentioned efi tool deprecated and no longer exists!

Checking via VerifyMsrE2 To start, download VerifyMsrE2 (opens new window) and add this tool inside EFI/OC/Tools and config.plist(this can be done with ProperTree's snapshot function(ie. Cmd+R)). Next, boot OpenCore and select the VerifyMsrE2.efi entry. This should provide you one of the following:

DL links to, any late releases no longer include VerifyMsrE2.efi. The tool seem to have been deprecated. Update the guide with new instructions?

jeremy0519 commented 2 years ago

It's now called ControlMsrE2.efi .It's easier to use since it supports argument unlock (or interactive) and no other tools are needed.

PMheart commented 1 year ago

Hello! This has already been fixed.