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Visual format of command line snippets #218

Open rndymond opened 3 years ago

rndymond commented 3 years ago

Open Core Installation Guide Format issue with all code and command line snippets.

Command line commands are included in the guides to allow users to copy, paste and run without having to write and debug these statements themselves. As such they can save significant time. However the current formatfing for code snippets leads to copy errors and new users attempting to execute commands that have been improperly copied.

An example of the current format is below. The command line code is partly selected, however this selection is not visible.


There also is a shadow being generated below the code box that seems to be of random length. This shadow could be interpreted as copying the line below the code,. The shadow is actually a slider, however this is hugely unclear. I did not discover that it was a slider until analyzing this formatting to report its problems. The shadow/slider is defective because it has a completely non-obvious function that is not needed and also obtuse.

Here is another example.



Please replace with Apple's styling for command line snippets. In the example screen shot below, the expected behaviour when copying a line, being able to see what has been selected, is obvious.


There is no shadow or slider in Apple's formatting to obfuscate the function of the code formatting.

A Web developer should be able to copy and paste Apple's CSS styling and replace the current code with the Apple styling.