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Dortania Bugtracker
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[SSDT-EC-USBX] Dynamic USBX properties #226

Closed dreamwhite closed 2 years ago

dreamwhite commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I'm opening this issue under the advice of @Andrey1970AppleLife.

Since laptops do not require all the parameters on USBX device which are currently loaded from SSDT-EC-USBX, me and @1alessandro1 have implemented, by taking a cue from @Gengik84's (and foskvs) SSDT-Basic - his topic can be found here - a dynamic inspection of the firmware's ACPI, where it basically checks battery presence and applies the correct properties afterwards.

I'm attaching the patched version of SSDT-EC-USBX:

Please note that at the moment we've added only some of the usual found battery paths, but the list may be even expanded in the future.