dortania / bugtracker

Dortania Bugtracker
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iGPU Connectors patch not working #270

Closed MaydayAlaska closed 1 year ago

MaydayAlaska commented 2 years ago

Files HERE

I'm trying to make audio over HDMI working on this configuration:

i7 10700 z490i Aorus Ultra

According to WEG's manual:

To enable digital audio it is necessary to set the hda-gfx properties and patches the connectors.
To enable audio in general and HDMI in particular use WEG along with [AppleALC.kext]( AppleALC automatically injects missing hda-gfx properties.
On 10.10.5 and above, WEG automatically changes the connector-type of DP (00040000) to HDMI (00080000), only if not used Custom patching. Physical connection may be of any type (HDMI, DVI, DP), but for the digital audio connector-type must explicitly be HDMI.

So, I was trying to manually patch my HDMI connector (following this guide) as 00080000, disabling every other connector by setting the BusID as 00

What happens next is kinda weird:

PMheart commented 1 year ago

Hello! Please use forums for support. Or, if you believe that this is a bug of WhateverGreen, please file an issue at Acidanthera. Thanks!