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Setting Boot Chime guide updated to OC 0.7.8 #288

Closed perez987 closed 1 year ago

perez987 commented 1 year ago

In OpenCore 0.7.8 there were major changes in UEFI -> Audio. This issue attempts to update the Setting Boot Chime guide to accommodate OpenCore 0.7.8 and later. Changes made:

Thanks for your great work.


Setting up Boot-chime with AudioDxe

So to start, we'll need a couple of things:

Settings up NVRAM:


Setting up UEFI -> Audio:

Once done, you should get something like this:


Note about audio codec default sampling rate

There are codecs like Realtek ALC295 (HP models and others) whose default audio sampling rate is 48 kHz. In this case, even if 44.1 kHz is supported by the codec, audio chime fails and does not sound. The only way at the moment to fix this is to modify the OCEFIAudio_VoiceOver_Boot.mp3 sample rate with an audio editor to raise it from 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz. This has to be done by the end user as OpenCore does not have an automated mechanism for it.

Note for visually impaired:

dreamwhite commented 1 year ago

Please note that some codecs may require 48KHz sampling rate. Adding a side note would be helpful for users like me who had to convert the audio files

perez987 commented 1 year ago

Do you refer to codecs that require a specific sampling rate in the chime sound file (OCEFIAudio_VoiceOver_Boot.mp3) different to 44,1? Then, a side note about this?

For reference: #963 BootChime issue: PlayFile playback setup failure - Unsupported

perez987 commented 1 year ago

@dreamwhite What audio codec do you have? ALC295 also?

dreamwhite commented 1 year ago

@dreamwhite What audio codec do you have?

Realtek ALC295 (ALC3254)

perez987 commented 1 year ago

@dreamwhite Added note about audio codec sampling rate.

perez987 commented 1 year ago


Good night. The details Optional NVRAM entries is shown as is, not as a spoiler or drop down text, do you see it also or is only me?

::: details Optional NVRAM entries

NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:
StartupMute | Data | 0x00
Mute startup chime sound in firmware audio support; 00 is unmuted, missing variable or any other value means muted

Maybe in this way?

Optional NVRAM entries
NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:
StartupMute | Data | 0x00
Mute startup chime sound in firmware audio support; 00 is unmuted, missing variable or any other value means muted
dhinakg commented 1 year ago

It will render properly on the site, it's not standard Markdown (or well, GitHub Flavored Markdown) so it'll just show bare on GitHub

perez987 commented 1 year ago

@dhinakg Good afternoon. There is something I can do to help you to finish this issue? Probably not but, if I can help, tell me.

dhinakg commented 1 year ago

Hi, the main issue is that I am juggling a number of things on my plate right now, so the only way you could really help is by opening a PR, if you're willing to do that

perez987 commented 1 year ago

If the PR is more comfortable to you, I can open it, of course. I guess you are busy, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm urging you, not at all, I really couldn't do it because I know the work you do for this community and for the many other things that each one of you will do outside of here.

perez987 commented 1 year ago

@dhinakg Ok, PR opened. Setting Boot Chime updated to OpenCore 0.7.8 changes