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Dortania Bugtracker
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Legacy macOS: Offline Method fails #306

Open startergo opened 1 year ago

startergo commented 1 year ago

After following the guide for Legacy macOS: Offline Method The installer could not be used in Parallels or a physical Mac machine. The error message is: image If for instance this installer is created on an earlier macOS operating system by double clicking on the InstallMacOSX.pkg Then everything runs smooth. Apparently there Is something else missing. It works with a Mountain Lion installer , but ML does not check the installer. Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 10 53 31 AM Anything else I can test while I am at it?

startergo commented 1 year ago

I have created an instruction for installing Mavericks USB boot disk with an official installer downloaded from the App Store or with mas-cli. Similar technique can be applied to the other legacy installers. For Mavericks neither the offline nor the online methods described in the Dortania manual work.

startergo commented 1 year ago

More on the Legacy macOS USB installers creation: Offline Method can be found here.