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Incorrect information regarding adding Kexts with ProperTree #314

Open lukeperman opened 1 year ago

lukeperman commented 1 year ago

At this point here, where the guide discusses Kext loading and order:

In the 'More in-depth info' dropdown is the following statement:

A reminder that ProperTree (opens new window) users can run Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R to add all their kexts in the correct order without manually typing each kext out.

This statement is false.

Maybe it's a bug in proper tree, but using CMD+SHIFT+R to add Kexts does not add them in the correct order.

I had three days of troubleshooting before I realised I had been blindly following the information above, and looked at someone else's config.plist to realise the ordering was incorrect. (ProperTree had added everything in alphabetical order from what I could see.)

Maybe not a big deal, but should be updated to help anyone else in future who has used the ProperTree command and messed up their config.plist

replete commented 8 months ago

+1. This was causing me problems for hours until I caught a comment mentioning kext order, which got me past some kernel panics I couldn't make sense of.

This issue compounded by the widespread mantra of 'you must use ProperTree', so a section on kext order would be valuable! Thanks