doshidak / showdex

Pokémon Showdown extension that harnesses the power of parabolic calculus to strategically extract your opponents' Elo.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Increment turn-damage/healing buttons #185

Open jmynes opened 7 months ago

jmynes commented 7 months ago

Is it possible to do lookahead on next hypothetical turn health conditions? There could be a couple useful buttons here, I can submit separate pull requests for each if need be.

The primary button would work like this: Place button right next to the status emblem, that when clicked, previews the damage dealt from weather, hazards, and statuses, accounting for pending heals (wish, leftovers, etc), by adjusting the HP bar and thus the KO calcs

It might be easier to separate into a few buttons (or even a dropdown?🤔) that could help, if the above is too complex:

If separate functions, it would be nice to be able to increment any of the above conditions more than one time, and just have a clear button that sets back to current battle state.

This would allow for quick calcs like "after two opponent leftovers, is my calm mind suicune going to still be able to OHKO this Celebi?"


doshidak commented 7 months ago

definitely would be cool & is something I've thought about myself, but couldn't think of a nice, clean, non-intimidating way of representing these controls in the UI (for now, I've just been tediously changing the HP manually LOL). issue is primarily screen real estate, particularly mobile users & those who resize their browser to stream/record Showdown. (the Calcdex is constrained to laughably small widths in those cases.)

one of our design tenants is to not limit functionality just because you have a small screen. hence why you see additional options like HP & statuses hidden behind a popup, not directly in the UI, regardless of screen size. once you start tacking on stuff like Leftovers, status, hazards, Sandstorm/Hail (in prev gens), Grassy Terrain, Wish, Future Sight, etc., the UI might start looking more like a Boeing 747 flight management computer... LOL.

so unfortunately, I don't think buttons/dropdowns would be the best solution in terms of UI/UX since we're already strugging on space :/ (this is definitely more difficult in the design sense than in the programming sense, if that makes sense!) not to dissuade you from cooking something up (please certainly do!), but just my two cents. I think there's definitely a solution here tho.

some crazy idea I had was a hypothetical turn simulation feature like ChessMint (I think that's what it's called), which could definitely accommodate what you're asking for, but that's some insane feature with lots of moving parts I didn't want to tackle just yet hahah.

as for setting the hazards manually, we added additional hazard toggles in v1.2.3 within the Honkdex, but they're currently not available in the Calcdex yet. we plan on making that a setting in an upcoming patch.

thanks for your suggestion! c:

jmynes commented 7 months ago

I think a lot of these options could fit into the HP menu, +/- one turn of 50% heal, hazards, or lefties could easily be justified there

Alternatively, a button near the HP bar could bring up a panel like the HP one, and allow you to mess with multiple stages of heals/statuses/hazards