dosreislab / mcmc3r

mcmc3r: an R package for MCMCTree
MIT License
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Morpho #1

Closed sabifo4 closed 6 years ago

sabifo4 commented 6 years ago

I have added the following files:

  1. Regarding data files:
    • data/coords.proc.rda: Object of class "array" with the format output by geomorph::gpagen (p landmarks x k coordinates x n specimens). It contains landmarks after PA.
      • data/coords.raw.rda: Object of class "data.frame" in raw format. It has one column with name of speciments and the next columns are the landmarks. (n specimens x p columns (1 info + 144 lmks)
      • inst/extdata/Triturus_and_Calotriton.csv: Raw file used to create the raw rda. I read it is useful to attach the raw ".csv" files too and this is the directory it has to be placed.
      • man/coords.proc.Rd & man/coords.proc.Rd: Documentation for the data objects. According to the R package documentation, these files need this too.
    • R/coords.proc.R & man/coords.proc.R: Files needed to create the documentation for the object with roxygen comments.
  2. Regarding the R function:
    • R/write.phylo.R: File with the new function to add to the package.
    • man/write.phylo.Rd: Documentation for the write.phylo function generated with roxygen.


I tested my package with all the examples I include and it did not give any error nor warning when checking the package in RStudio. You might get some warnings I fixed by including import: geomorph in the DESCRIPTION file and importFrom("utils", "write.table") in the NAMESPACE file. However, I have not modified these files.