Description: Enhance the Event Quest contracts by adding a point system for the completion of quests and creating a leaderboard to display users based on their accumulated points.
Acceptance Criteria:
Point System Implementation:
Each quest completion should award a specified number of points to the user.
Points should be stored and tracked for each user.
Leaderboard Creation:
The contract should maintain a leaderboard that ranks users based on their total points.
The leaderboard should be retrievable, displaying users in descending order of their points.
Provide a function to get the top N users from the leaderboard.
Smart Contract Code:
Implement the point system and leaderboard functionalities using Solidity.
Ensure points are correctly awarded upon quest completion and that the leaderboard is updated accordingly.
Security and Validations:
Validate that points are only awarded once per quest completion.
Ensure that the leaderboard is updated atomically with the points award to prevent inconsistencies.
Solidity Code Example:
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract EventAmbassadorQuest {
struct Quest {
uint256 eventId;
uint256 startDate;
uint256 endDate;
uint256 requiredInteractions;
uint256 rewardPoints;
bool isCompleted;
struct User {
uint256 points;
uint256 completedQuests;
mapping(uint256 => bool) questCompleted;
address public admin;
mapping(address => User) public users;
mapping(uint256 => Quest) public quests;
address[] public userAddresses;
event QuestCompleted(address indexed user, uint256 indexed questId, uint256 pointsAwarded);
modifier onlyAdmin() {
require(msg.sender == admin, "Only admin can perform this action");
constructor() {
admin = msg.sender;
function createQuest(
uint256 questId,
uint256 eventId,
uint256 startDate,
uint256 endDate,
uint256 requiredInteractions,
uint256 rewardPoints
) external onlyAdmin {
quests[questId] = Quest(eventId, startDate, endDate, requiredInteractions, rewardPoints, false);
function registerUser(address user) external onlyAdmin {
if (users[user].completedQuests == 0) {
function completeQuest(address user, uint256 questId) external onlyAdmin {
require(!quests[questId].isCompleted, "Quest already completed");
require(!users[user].questCompleted[questId], "User already completed this quest");
users[user].points += quests[questId].rewardPoints;
users[user].completedQuests += 1;
users[user].questCompleted[questId] = true;
quests[questId].isCompleted = true;
emit QuestCompleted(user, questId, quests[questId].rewardPoints);
function getLeaderboard(uint256 topN) external view returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory) {
require(topN <= userAddresses.length, "Requested topN exceeds number of users");
address[] memory topUsers = new address[](topN);
uint256[] memory topPoints = new uint256[](topN);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < userAddresses.length; i++) {
for (uint256 j = i + 1; j < userAddresses.length; j++) {
if (users[userAddresses[j]].points > users[userAddresses[i]].points) {
address tempAddress = userAddresses[i];
userAddresses[i] = userAddresses[j];
userAddresses[j] = tempAddress;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < topN; i++) {
topUsers[i] = userAddresses[i];
topPoints[i] = users[userAddresses[i]].points;
return (topUsers, topPoints);
Ensure that points are correctly awarded upon quest completion.
Verify that the leaderboard correctly ranks users based on their points.
Test edge cases such as awarding points to users with no previous completions and ensuring points are not double-counted.
By following this ticket and implementing the provided Solidity code, the Event Ambassador Quest contract will be enhanced with a point system and a leaderboard, providing additional motivation and competitive tracking for users.
Point System and Leaderboard
Description: Enhance the Event Quest contracts by adding a point system for the completion of quests and creating a leaderboard to display users based on their accumulated points.
Acceptance Criteria:
Solidity Code Example:
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By following this ticket and implementing the provided Solidity code, the Event Ambassador Quest contract will be enhanced with a point system and a leaderboard, providing additional motivation and competitive tracking for users.